"You are not a human being having a spiritual experience, but a spiritual being having a human experience."Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 1881-1955
UpdatesFri, August 29, 2008: First version
EBikes or e-bikes is a term meaning electric (assisted) bicycle - or as short simply "EBike".
Those power-assisted solutions look very promising and interesting, and prefereable sustainable energy solution used and not further nuclear power plants required - this aspect I consider very important.
E-Bikes are very economical ...
E-Bikes use for 100km (62.5 miles) 1-2 kWh electricity, E-Scooters 6-7 kWH. The required electricty comes from a normal electric source in your home. For comparison: in order to express a power of 1 kWh with a gas-based motor 1dl gas is required.
(excerpt from a brochure from newride.ch , a swiss governmental agency)
This means, apprx. 2200 miles per gallon (MPG) with an E-bike!
 ALU REX E-Bike 28"
 Raleigh: Leicester E de Luxe
 Flyer C
E-motion California, (alike "ALU REX e-bike") low cost, 10Ah, 240W, 25km/h, 40km range |
Flyer C8, price-worthy, 10Ah, 250W, 30km/h, 50km range |