2025: Various Hikes / Tours
2024: Various Hikes / Tours
2023: Hiking Swiss Alps
2023: Various Hikes / Tours
2022: Various Hikes / Tours
2021: Various Hikes / Tours
2020: Hiking Swiss Jura Crest & Alpine Panorama Trail
2020: Hiking Swiss Alps
2020: Various Hikes / Tours
2019: Hiking 4 Days in Swiss Alps, Furka & Grimsel
2019: Hiking 5 Days Gotthard Region
2016: Tour Aare, Les Doubs & Rhein
2015: France & Italy
2014: Central Europe
2013: France & Italy
2012: Italy & France
2011: Europe: Three Tours
2010: India
2009: France: Two Tours
2008: Tour de Romandie
2008: Zug - Bern - Zug
2008: Strasbourg
2008: Europe
2007: France
2005: France & Italy
2004: USA: Denver - Sedona
2004: Lenzburg - Marseille
2004: La Gomera
2003: Sardinien
2003: La Gomera
2002: Korsika
2002: Bordeaux - Hendaye
1998: Switzerland
1997: USA
1996: USA: Colorado & Arizona

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."

Marianne Williamson
from her book "A Return To Love"

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2021: Various Hikes / Tours


Tue, October 12, 2021: 4 days hike October 2021 Willisau - Urtenen-Schoenbuehl - Huttwil .

Tue, September 28, 2021: 3 days hike September 2021 Zug - Birmensdorf - Zug .

Sat, July 24, 2021: 4 days hike July 2021 St. Gotthard - Nufenen - Furka .

Sun, June 13, 2021: 2 days hike June 2021 Raten - Hochstuckli - Morgarten .

Mon, April 26, 2021: 4 days hike April 2021 Zug, Sursee, Schloss Hallwyl, Zug added .

Wed, February 24, 2021: Initial 2 days hike description February 2021 and Impressions 2021 started .

Some smaller hikes or tours


Lake of Brienz
◈ Insel, Brienz, 2021/02/20 15:33
◈ Tschuggen, Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 09:55
◈ Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 10:10
◈ Burgkapelle, Lungern, 2021/02/21 11:37
Cham, Lake of Zug; mountain of Rigi in the background
2021/02/22 13:10
◈ Römerswil, 2021/04/23 19:29
◈ Fahrwangen (Δ 661m), 2021/04/25 13:43
◈ Trachslau, 2021/06/12 14:04
View from Naebekenfirst unto Kleiner/Small Mythen (in front) and Grosser/Big Mythen
◈ Brunni, 2021/06/12 16:29
◈ Airolo, 2021/07/20 10:05
Breathtaking view
◈ Airolo, 2021/07/20 10:14
Stunning scenery
◈ Selva, Bedretto (Δ 2043m), 2021/07/20 13:32
2021/09/25 12:30
Above Mittelalsbis
◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 17:28

2 Days Hike February 2021: Brienz - Luzern - Zug

2 Days Hike: Brienz - Giswil - Luzern - Zug (~50km)

As of late February 2021 an unusual warm period reached Switzerland, and as I was meeting new friends near Brienz, I decided to try out a new lightweight single person tent which is pitched with a single walking stick, and only weights 850g compared to my two person tent which weights 3kg. I started in Brienz and hiked over the low Bruenigpass (1008m) down to the next valley of Lungern to Giswil, where I took the train to Luzern/Lucerne and continued the hike toward Zug then - a brief 2 days hike.

Saturday 2021/02/20: Brienz - Hofstetten (6km)

I started the hike in late afternoon 15:30 from Brienz toward Hofstetten, after just 1.5hrs hike I stop near low river between Hofstetten and Brienzwiler I pitched my tent for the first time, and I struggle to stretch it properly, 18:00.

◈ Brienz, 2021/02/20 15:28
Lake of Brienz
◈ Insel, Brienz, 2021/02/20 15:33
Lake of Brienz
◈ Insel, Brienz, 2021/02/20 15:33
First pitching of new tent (3F Lanshan 1)
2021/02/20 17:05
◈ Brienzwiler, 2021/02/20 17:05
◈ Brienzwiler, 2021/02/20 17:06

Sunday 02/21: Hofstetten - Bruenig - Giswil (17km) - Luzern

That was a cold night, apprx. -5C and the ground was frozen around the tent, and part of the tent had ice from the condensated moisture of my breathing. Even though I had additional layers of cloths on, feet were cold and while packing also my hands cooled off. 8:00 departure, the sun rose above the mountains warming me up slowly. My gel-based shoe inlets also were frozen but liquified again while walking - I reached Brienzwiler and hiked uphill reaching the forest which had refrozen heavy snow which made is easy to walk over and not sink in.

◈ Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 09:07
◈ Tschuggen, Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 09:52
◈ Tschuggen, Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 09:52
◈ Tschuggen, Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 09:55
◈ Tschuggen, Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 09:57
◈ Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 10:10
◈ Brienzwiler, 2021/02/21 10:10
◈ Brünig, Meiringen, 2021/02/21 10:35
◈ Brünig, Meiringen, 2021/02/21 10:35
◈ Brünigpass, Meiringen, 2021/02/21 10:36
◈ Brünigpass, Meiringen, 2021/02/21 10:37
◈ Brünigpass, Meiringen, 2021/02/21 10:39

Eventually reached Bruenigpass, and then apprx. 1km flat path and the sun strong I had to remove some layers of my cloths before continue. Then descending into the valley and the northern slope was in the shadow and so the path frozen and very slippery especially with weight of my backback - so I walked on hard snow and not established footsteps of other hikers to have more grip.

As soon I reached the first meadows and direct sunlight the snow was gone, and again 15C - which for late February in Switzerland is an exception, usually it's the coldest time of the year. I continued toward Lungernsee and then Giswil, where I took the train to Luzern.

◈ Lungern (Δ 959m), 2021/02/21 11:08
◈ Lungern (Δ 945m), 2021/02/21 11:08
◈ Burgkapelle, Lungern, 2021/02/21 11:37
◈ Burgkapelle, Lungern, 2021/02/21 11:37
◈ Burgkapelle, Lungern, 2021/02/21 11:38
◈ Lungern, 2021/02/21 12:07
◈ Lungern, 2021/02/21 12:19
◈ Lungern, 2021/02/21 12:20
◈ Lungern (Δ 824m), 2021/02/21 12:20
◈ Stäfeli, Giswil (Δ 748m), 2021/02/21 13:25

Once I reached Luzern I continued among masses of people walking on the lake of Luzern/Lucerne, taking advantage of the unsual warm weather like me. Soon reached the nearby calm forest above Luzern and find a nice spot with afternoon sun through the trees and hopeful early sunlight for the next morning too. Second pitch of the new tent worked better, also the soft ground made it easier to tune the stretching the tent properly.

Luzern, Lake of Luzern
2021/02/21 15:11
Luzern, Lake of Luzern
2021/02/21 15:11
Gerlisberg near Kapuzinerkloster St. Anna, Luzern
2021/02/21 15:57
Gerlisberg near Kapuzinerkloster St. Anna, Luzern
2021/02/21 15:57
Inside new tent (3F Lanshan 1)
2021/02/21 16:23
Inside new tent (3F Lanshan 1)
2021/02/21 16:23

Monday 02/22: Luzern - Zug (27km)

Good night sleep, not as cold as previous night and continue 8:00 toward Adligenswil, Udligenswil and the public water sources or fountains were all shut off during winter time, so I purchased some orange juice instead. Soon reach Meierskappel and leaving the alp scenery of Luzern behind me and walk aside of the official trail and passing remote farms - the local farmers are curious seeing me with big packback and keep asking me whether I walk the "St. Jacob's Trail", which just happens part of my route. The temperature drops with the wind which comes from different directions - around noon it gets warmer again and wind soothes and eventually reach Cham and the lake of Zug and soon my destination.

◈ Udligenswil, 2021/02/22 09:23
◈ Udligenswil, 2021/02/22 09:23
◈ Udligenswil, 2021/02/22 10:14
◈ Udligenswil, 2021/02/22 10:14
Cham, Lake of Zug; mountain of Rigi in the background
2021/02/22 13:09
Cham, Lake of Zug; mountain of Rigi in the background
2021/02/22 13:10

The hike was beautiful over the Bruenig - fortunately the snow was not soft but hard and so it was easy to walk over the snow and not sink in, it otherwise would have been a much harder hike over the pass. I had two pairs of shoes with me, light hiking boots to walk on snow over the pass and the rest I walked with hiking sandals from last year which reach their end of life.

The new tent (3F Lanshan 1, ultra-lightweight pitched with a single walking-stick) turned out usable as I had little expectation - it's tricky to pack it into the little bag, as folding and rolling tightly is essential, and with cold fingers or hands not easy to achieve. The condensation inside the tent perhaps is due the cold temperature of the first night, I will see if it prevails also with other seasons other than winter.

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