"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."Reinhold Niebuhr 1892-1971
As I hiked the Albis ridge before, and also in the Reuss valley along the river itself, there are some other ridges going north-south to hike along,
one such ridge I hiked the first day "Reppisch" ridge, and back another smaller one, but then crossed over to higher Albis ridge again, Albishorn.
  Zug - Affoltern a.A. - Birmensdorf - Albishorn - Zug (~73km) |
Leaving 8:00 in Steinhausen, Mettmenstetten reaching Affoltern a. A. around 11:00, and via Reppisch ridge Birmensdorf 15:00, and uphill toward forest near Lieli for the camp for tonight.
Had good mild weather for the whole day, nice hike so far.
 ◈ Marchstein, Knonau, 2021/09/24 08:26
 Steinhausen in fog ◈ Marchstein, Knonau, 2021/09/24 08:26
 ◈ Marchstein, Knonau, 2021/09/24 08:27
 ◈ Mettmenstetten, 2021/09/24 09:57
 ◈ Mettmenstetten, 2021/09/24 09:57
 ◈ Mettmenstetten, 2021/09/24 09:57
 ◈ Mettmenstetten, 2021/09/24 10:09
 2021/09/24 11:16
 2021/09/24 11:16
 ◈ Bonstetten, 2021/09/24 12:49
 ◈ Bonstetten, 2021/09/24 12:51
 ◈ Birmensdorf (ZH), 2021/09/24 15:04
 ◈ Hafnerberg, Birmensdorf (ZH), 2021/09/24 15:48
 ◈ Bemer, Birmensdorf (ZH) (Δ 632m), 2021/09/24 15:59
 2021/09/24 18:07
 2021/09/24 18:07
 ◈ Berikon, 2021/09/24 18:36
 ◈ Berikon, 2021/09/24 18:36
 ◈ Berikon, 2021/09/24 18:37
 ◈ Berikon, 2021/09/24 18:37
Leaving the forest into the Lieli village, and to Arni AG and via small paths (without signs) down the Hedingen, and nice "rieds" (wet lands) to Aeugst a.A. and descend to Tuerlersee and then short ascend toward Albis ridge and Albishorn with great view to Zurich city, Lake of Zurich, and Glarner Alpen in the background. Further to Mittelalbis, a small weiler, and stayed up in the forst for tonight.
 ◈ Lieli, 2021/09/25 09:45
 ◈ Arni, 2021/09/25 10:13
 ◈ Arni, 2021/09/25 10:13
 ◈ Arni, 2021/09/25 10:22
 ◈ Arni, 2021/09/25 10:22
 ◈ Hedingen, 2021/09/25 10:54
 2021/09/25 12:30
 2021/09/25 12:32
 ◈ Wängibad, Aeugst am Albis, 2021/09/25 12:59
 ◈ Wängibad, Aeugst am Albis, 2021/09/25 13:07
 ◈ Wängibad, Aeugst am Albis, 2021/09/25 13:08
 ◈ Aeugst am Albis, 2021/09/25 13:26
 ◈ Aeugst am Albis, 2021/09/25 13:26
 ◈ Aeugst am Albis, 2021/09/25 13:30
 Tuerlersee ◈ Aeugst am Albis, 2021/09/25 13:44
 Tuerlersee ◈ Aeugst am Albis, 2021/09/25 13:44
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 14:22
 View toward Glarner Alpen (east) ◈ Albishorn, Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 15:02
 View toward Glarner Alpen (east) ◈ Albishorn, Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 15:03
 View toward city of Zurich ◈ Albishorn, Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 15:03
 ◈ Albishorn, Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 15:03
 ◈ Albishorn, Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 15:05
 View toward Zugerland (Lake of Zug, Zug, and Rigi) ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 15:27
 Above Mittelalsbis ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 17:28
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 17:28
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 17:33
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/25 17:33
Slightly overcast, leaving 8:00 and descending into Erbertswil, Uetzlikon and Steinhausen, apprx. 3hrs or 15km ends this small 2 nights / 3 days hike.
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 07:55
 View into Zugerland with foggy morning ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 07:59
 Mittelalbis ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 08:03
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 08:03
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 08:03
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 08:03
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 08:03
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 08:07
 ◈ Hausen am Albis, 2021/09/26 08:07
 ◈ Oberalbis, Ebertswil, 2021/09/26 08:23
 ◈ Kappel am Albis, 2021/09/26 09:05
 ◈ Kappel am Albis, 2021/09/26 09:05
 ◈ Kappel am Albis, 2021/09/26 09:05
 ◈ Näfenhüser, Kappel am Albis, 2021/09/26 09:23
That's it.
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