Art Diary
    Steve Reich Electronica (2011)
    Steve Reich 2x5 M3 Remixed (2011)
    Steve Reich - Live At UC Berkeley (1970)

    "God is not external to anyone, but is present with all things, though they are ignorant that he is so."

    204-270 AD

    Art Diary

    Here some unsorted art projects I did or artwork I came across the net which I found extradionary:

    Tag <Model>

    Check also other posts with other tags.

    Platonic Garden
    last edited 2010/01/27 12:53

    Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Cube, Icosahedron - in the sunrise:

    ... some beauty lies in the simplicity of the platonic solids ...

    It's a test with small models I made for a larger installation I plan in springtime.

    Lattice Wall
    last edited 2010/01/26 13:32

    Sunrise with a lattice wall (model):

    Check also other posts with other tags.



    Copyright 2007-2016, 2020-2024 © by René K. Müller <>
    Illustrations and graphics made with Inkscape, GIMP and Tgif