"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."Marianne Williamson from her book "A Return To Love"

SON 28 (26"-28") Hubdynamo as example |
  SON Hubdynamo inside & parts |
Myself I have mixed experience with hubdynamos (SON 16"-20") is mine stopped to deliver electricity after 5 years despite of the claim it's 100% maintenance free, and opening the dynamo without extra tool is very difficult. Anyway, despite of this, having 4-5 years lifetime of a hubdynamo is ok when it's known ahead, and so it could be used to develop an electrical system where
- GPS (Garmin: 3V),
- mobilephone (externe charger, e.g. Samsung 5V/0.7A ~3.5W for 45 mins),
- photo- (2x AA = 3V) or videocam,
- MP3 Player or
- alike gadgets
to be used on the bicycle.
- Direct:
- Pro: simple electrical setup
- Contra: gadgets only function while you drive
- Indirect: use twice 2x AA rechargeable batteries, one you charge and the other pair which delivers energy
- Pro: easy integration and usage
- Contra: additional 2x AA, more sophisticated electrical setup
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