"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."Marianne Williamson from her book "A Return To Love"
Another window of opportunity arose, and I hoped to have good weather for 3-4 days as I packed light rain gear:
  3 Days Hike: Zug - Albis - Uetliberg - Baden - Bremgarten ~70km |
8:00 departure, reaching Baar and ascend toward the ridge of the Albis and quickly reach the peak at Albishorn (909m) with wide view to central Switzerland, pre-alpine region.
Through forest mostly with little view to the lake of Zurich I reach Uetliberg in the afternoon and I continue a bit until I find a nice place to camp, northern slope, but dry so far.
 2020/10/30 09:33
 2020/10/30 09:33
 View toward Zugerland with the Lake of Zug & mountain Rigi ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:16
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:16
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:16
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:20
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:20
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis (Δ 757m), 2020/10/30 10:20
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:28
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:28
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:41
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 10:41
 View down to the Lake of Zurich ◈ Mittelalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 11:17
 View to Lake of Zurich with the Glarneralpen in the far distance ◈ Mittelalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 11:17
 ◈ Mittelalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 11:17
 ◈ Mittelalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 11:17
 ◈ Mittelalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 11:18
 ◈ Mittelalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/10/30 11:18
 Highest point of the Albisridge 915m ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 11:40
 Highest point of the Albisridge 915m ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 11:40
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:17
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:17
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:24
 Albispass ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:25
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:25
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:28
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:31
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:31
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:39
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:39
 ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:39
 View of the Glarneralpen ◈ Langnau am Albis, 2020/10/30 12:41
 ◈ Pluto in Sonnenferne, Buchenegg, Stallikon, 2020/10/30 13:19
 ◈ Pluto in Sonnenferne, Buchenegg, Stallikon, 2020/10/30 13:21
 View to city of Zurich 2020/10/30 13:38
 View to city of Zurich at the end of the lake 2020/10/30 13:38
 ◈ Aegerten, Stallikon, 2020/10/30 14:35
 ◈ Aegerten, Stallikon, 2020/10/30 14:35
 2020/10/30 14:43
 ◈ Aegerten, Stallikon, 2020/10/30 14:45
 Uetliberg broadcast tower ahead 2020/10/30 15:04
 View to city of Zurich from Uetliberg ◈ Leuchtende Hirsche, Stallikon, 2020/10/30 15:27
 ◈ Stallikon, 2020/10/30 15:27
 ◈ Ringlikon, Uitikon, 2020/10/30 16:19
7:45 departure after a good sleep, and just the fog forms as I descend toward Birmensdorf where I shop for food for today and tomorrow: bread, cheese and some chocolate.
I continue toward Rudolfstetten and toward Hasenberg, the next ridge which spreads until Baden - and so I follow the hiking path until 12:00 just in the fog - and slowly the sun comes through and I'm apprx. 50m above the fog line, seeing the sea of fog beneath.
Until apprx 16:00 I continue, short before Baden I find a nice spot again, yet again northern slope, a place which didn't have sun all day long so ground is wet yet soft grass - too exhausted to look for another spot more dry.
 2020/10/31 10:07
 2020/10/31 11:57
 Slightly above the fog line 2020/10/31 12:35
 2020/10/31 12:42
 2020/10/31 12:42
 Above the sea of fog ◈ Bellikon (Δ 831m), 2020/10/31 13:12
 Above the sea of fog ◈ Bellikon, 2020/10/31 13:12
 2020/10/31 13:15
 2020/10/31 13:43
 2020/10/31 13:59
 Village in the fog 2020/10/31 14:02
 2020/10/31 14:02
 ◈ Oberrohrdorf, 2020/10/31 14:50
 The sea of fog ◈ Oberrohrdorf, 2020/10/31 15:20
 ◈ Oberrohrdorf, 2020/10/31 15:20
 2020/10/31 15:27
 View toward Baden ◈ Rüsler, Rüsler, Neuenhof, 2020/10/31 15:34
 2020/10/31 15:49
 Sunlight in the forest . . . 2020/10/31 16:13
 ◈ Fislisbach, 2020/10/31 16:34
7:15, slightly foggy in the morning, the tent is wet - packing and leaving toward Baden and I sense my sore right knee again while I descend, which slows me down and I decide not to continue to Laegern ridge but turn around at Baden and go west and then south via Mellingen, and follow route 42 along the river Reuss toward Bremgarten.
Around 9:30 is starts to rain which on and off lasts until 14:00 and just as I arrive in Bremgarten it starts to rain again - the weather forecast predicted brief rain, and sunny parts, but it was longer rain and overcast all day long.
The route along river Reuss is beautiful at fall with the yellow/red leaves on the trees and on the ground making an otherworldy scenery, but also in general the river is more wild in between.
Anyway, from Bremgarten I took the train Wohlen AG, Rotkreuz, Cham and bus back to Steinhausen near Zug again, 18:00 back.
 2020/11/01 08:20
 2020/11/01 08:20
 2020/11/01 08:36
 Highway at the Baregg hill with tunnel beneath 2020/11/01 09:21
 2020/11/01 09:25
 2020/11/01 09:25
 2020/11/01 11:47
 2020/11/01 11:47
 ◈ Mellingen, 2020/11/01 11:59
 ◈ Mellingen, 2020/11/01 12:00
 Reuss river at Mellingen ◈ Mellingen, 2020/11/01 12:02
 ◈ Mellingen, 2020/11/01 12:02
 Reuss river 2020/11/01 12:32
 Reuss river 2020/11/01 12:32
 Reuss river 2020/11/01 12:43
 ◈ Camping Sulz, Sulz, Künten, 2020/11/01 14:40
Endurance: I was pacing too fast the 2nd day and so a sore right knee developed slowly which handicapped me the 3rd day - if I were on a longer hike I would have rested the 3rd day and continue the next day, but as I planned just 3-4 days I continued a flat easier day to walk along the river of Reuss.
Sight: The first day of the hike I was motivated and enjoyed the scenery; the 2nd day with 4 hours in the fog limited the view to few hundred meters until noon, when I was above the line of fog; the third day was rainy and 10-12C° only and was less enjoyable yet nature is still magnificient, one has to have the peace, stillness and eyes to see, which I had to remind myself.
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