"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."Reinhold Niebuhr 1892-1971
 Albishorn ◈ Mittelalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/11/09 13:41
 Albishorn ◈ Mittelalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/11/09 13:42
 2020/11/09 14:26
 2020/11/09 14:26
 2020/11/09 14:26
 2020/11/09 14:26
 2020/11/09 14:27
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/11/09 14:48
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/11/09 14:48
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/11/09 14:49
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/11/09 14:49
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/11/09 14:50
 ◈ Oberalbis, Hausen am Albis, 2020/11/09 14:50
Exploring a new local hike path from Lake of Zug/Zugersee to Four Forest Lake / Vierwaldstaettersee at Küssnacht, about 3.5 hours / 18km hike mostly flat via Meierskappel:
 2020/11/12 11:22
 2020/11/12 11:22
 2020/11/12 11:23
 2020/11/12 11:56
 2020/11/12 12:39
 2020/11/12 12:39
 2020/11/12 13:29
 ◈ Lippertschwil, Chliarni, Küssnacht (SZ), 2020/11/12 13:51
 ◈ Lippertschwil, Chliarni, Küssnacht (SZ), 2020/11/12 13:51
 ◈ Chliarni, Küssnacht (SZ), 2020/11/12 14:32
 ◈ Chliarni, Küssnacht (SZ), 2020/11/12 14:32
Today a still lake with beautiful late fall light in the afternoon (low sun position):
 2020/11/13 14:56
 2020/11/13 14:56
 2020/11/13 14:56
 2020/11/13 14:57
 2020/11/13 14:57
Gnipen & Wildspitz is a prominent mountain range aside of the Rigi connecting Kt Schwyz and Kt Zug at its Zugerberg, about 5 hour hike - Zugerberg is rather flat toward Gnipen, and then becomes very steep near the end, and one is greeted with a vast 360° view: central Switzerland looking into the alps east, south and west, and the hills in the north and the Jura mountain range:
 2020/11/14 09:36
 Lake of Zug with city of Cham 2020/11/14 09:38
 2020/11/14 09:38
 2020/11/14 09:39
 2020/11/14 09:41
 2020/11/14 10:02
 2020/11/14 10:02
 2020/11/14 10:06
 2020/11/14 10:21
 2020/11/14 10:21
 ◈ Egolzwil, 2020/11/14 10:31
 2020/11/14 10:36
 2020/11/14 10:44
 2020/11/14 10:44
 2020/11/14 10:44
 2020/11/14 11:25
 2020/11/14 11:26
 2020/11/14 11:26
 ◈ Hochmoor Rothenthurm, Äussere Altmatt, Rothenthurm, 2020/11/14 11:48
 2020/11/14 11:48
 2020/11/14 11:48
 2020/11/14 11:48
 2020/11/14 11:48
 2020/11/14 11:50
 2020/11/14 11:50
 2020/11/14 11:51
 Gnipen 1527m 2020/11/14 11:57
 Gnipen & Rigi 2020/11/14 11:57
 Gnipen & Rigi 2020/11/14 11:57
 2020/11/14 11:58
 2020/11/14 11:58
 Gnipen 360° view 2020/11/14 11:58
 Gnipen 2020/11/14 12:01
 Gnipen (foreground) & Rigi (background) 2020/11/14 12:02
 Gnipen 360° view 2020/11/14 12:04
 2020/11/14 12:20
 2020/11/14 12:20
 2020/11/14 12:20
 2020/11/14 12:20
 2020/11/14 12:21
 Rossberg: mountain slide of year 1806 at Goldau 2020/11/14 12:30
 2020/11/14 12:30
 2020/11/14 12:30
 Gnipen 360° view 2020/11/14 12:33
 2020/11/14 12:36
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 2020/11/14 12:38
 2020/11/14 12:39
 2020/11/14 12:39
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 2020/11/14 12:50
 2020/11/14 12:50
 ◈ Steinerberg, 2020/11/14 12:51
 ◈ Steinerberg, 2020/11/14 12:51
 ◈ Steinerberg (Δ 1565m), 2020/11/14 12:51
 2020/11/14 12:55
 2020/11/14 12:56
 2020/11/14 12:56
 2020/11/14 12:57
 2020/11/14 12:57
 2020/11/14 12:58
 ◈ Wildspitz, Steinerberg, 2020/11/14 12:58
 ◈ Wildspitz, Steinerberg, 2020/11/14 12:58
 2020/11/14 13:00
 2020/11/14 13:01
 2020/11/14 13:03
 2020/11/14 13:03
 ◈ Steinerberg, 2020/11/14 13:05
 2020/11/14 13:10
 2020/11/14 13:10
 2020/11/14 13:13
 2020/11/14 13:13
 2020/11/14 13:19
 ◈ Zuger Wanderwege, Steinerberg, 2020/11/14 13:19
 ◈ Zuger Wanderwege, Steinerberg, 2020/11/14 13:19
 ◈ Zuger Wanderwege, Steinerberg, 2020/11/14 13:20
 2020/11/14 13:36
 2020/11/14 13:36
 ◈ Schäfboden, Sattel, 2020/11/14 14:00
 ◈ Schäfboden, Sattel, 2020/11/14 14:00
 ◈ Schäfboden, Sattel, 2020/11/14 14:00
 ◈ Schäfboden, Sattel, 2020/11/14 14:25
 ◈ Schäfboden, Sattel, 2020/11/14 14:25
 ◈ Bahnhof Sattel-Ägeri, Zingel, Sattel, 2020/11/14 14:50
(End of Article)Content: