Living Diary
    Personal Diary

    "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."

    Reinhold Niebuhr

    Living Diary

    Here my thoughts and brain storming on housing, and general issues of life including political issues:

    More Alternative Housing
    last edited 2009/04/11 09:57 (*)

    Some more alternative housing approaches:


    Design by Werner Aisslinger, cost apprx. 90,000 Euro / US$ 110,000 for 39m2, positioned either on roofs of skyscrapers or placed in nature:

    2007/03/11 00:33
    2009/03/31 13:47
    2007/04/21 16:45
    2007/12/13 13:00
    2008/04/23 13:13
    2008/04/23 13:13
    2006/08/29 14:18
    2007/06/04 22:21



    2008/05/27 22:25
    2006/05/26 02:09
    2006/08/14 15:18
    2006/08/14 15:25


    Inflatable Tea House

    Design by Kengo Kuma:

    2007/08/27 09:50
    2008/02/20 18:56
    2007/12/08 09:44
    2009/06/04 09:00
    2008/06/27 12:21
    2007/09/02 18:41
    2007/12/08 09:56
    2007/12/08 10:08

    MOMO Modernistiskt Modulhuskoncept

    Design by Thomas Lind:

    2008/02/15 23:42
    2008/02/15 23:43
    2008/02/15 23:43
    2008/02/15 23:44

    Costs per module: US$ 25,000



    Design by Scott Specht:

    2007/11/15 17:44
    2009/03/17 00:47
    2009/03/17 00:47
    2007/11/13 13:35

    Supposed to be completely self-sustain:

    • solar panels generate sufficient eletrical power
    • rain water collecting, all plumbing gravity-fed (without pumps)
    • organic waste is composted under the house
    • automated and monitored by array of sensors and controllable by a computer (like a laptop)

    Costs: US$ 350,000


    All posts or individual posts:

  • Believe in Values or from king/queen issued money to math based money (2013/12/28 13:34)
  • More Alternative Houses: Treehouses & Bubbles Again (2012/11/27 14:01)
  • 3D Printing - The Next Technical Revolution (2012/07/08 13:34)
  • More Alternative Housing: Pre Fab Cabins (2010/11/07 10:09)
  • More Alternative Houses: Treehouses in Sweden (2010/07/10 16:14)
  • Moving to France, Pitching my Yurts Again (2009/12/21 18:08)
  • 100% Recycling - A New Economy (2009/10/03 17:59)
  • Reforming the West - Perestroika for You too (2009/06/07 14:37)
  • Facebook & Twitter, New Democratic Tools from the Internet? (2009/06/03 19:05)
  • More Alternative Housing (2009/04/10 21:01)
  • Ironies of Globalism (2009/04/08 19:51)
  • Brain Storming: The World Government Swiss-Made (2009/04/07 11:31)
  • Misc. Alternative Housing (2009/03/31 17:13)
  • The Banking System: Trust & Money Making (2009/03/29 07:35)

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