Living Diary
    Personal Diary

    "God is not external to anyone, but is present with all things, though they are ignorant that he is so."

    204-270 AD

    Living Diary

    Here my thoughts and brain storming on housing, and general issues of life including political issues:

    Tag <Alternative Housing>

    Check also other posts with other tags.

    More Alternative Houses: Treehouses & Bubbles Again
    last edited 2012/11/27 19:22 (*)

    Some more lightweight habitat approaches, some are looking nice but seem not practical, others might be good as inspiration and starting point to develop something actual working:

    Cocoon Tree

    The cocoon is 3m in diameter, and 120kg heavy, fixated by 12 points and ropes. It is rather conceptual work than real world application (e.g. missing rain gear). Pricing starts at USD 8,000. See more at .


    See more at .

    Bubble Dome

    Air filled walls with transparent PVC, apprx. 4m in diameter, pricing about USD 12,000. Read more at Attrap'Reves Bubble Hotel, France and .

    Inflatable Domes

    More inflatable domes, various sources:

    Domes have a beautiful shape to live in, especially when one was conditioned in square buildings; yet, the domes have one major disadvantage: all surface is a roof and therefore most of the times requires to provide 100% water seal and be still breathable. In this sense, circular habitats like a yurt provides some of the feature, yet, have minimal roof like square-based buildings.

    More Alternative Housing: Pre Fab Cabins
    last edited 2010/11/07 10:15 (*)

    Some rather pre fab cabins approach on alternative housing:

    Williams Minimalist Cabin

    2008/04/12 06:45
    2008/04/12 06:45
    2009/10/09 21:59

    Egg House Pod

    2010/01/17 00:48
    2010/01/17 00:49
    2010/01/17 00:49
    2010/01/17 00:50
    2010/01/17 00:50
    2010/01/17 00:51
    2010/01/17 00:51
    2010/01/17 00:51
    2010/01/17 00:52
    2010/01/17 00:52


    Contemporary Pre Fab Micro Home

    2009/09/10 23:24
    2009/09/10 23:24
    2009/09/10 23:24

    Mini House by Jonas Wagell

    2009/04/21 01:20
    2009/04/21 01:21
    2009/04/21 01:21
    2009/04/21 01:22

    Price: 12k Euro

    Rolling Hut

    2009/06/28 22:28
    2009/06/28 22:29
    2009/06/28 22:29
    2009/06/28 22:31
    2009/06/28 22:32



    2010/08/13 05:16
    2006/06/01 04:14
    2006/06/01 04:30


    More Alternative Houses: Treehouses in Sweden
    last edited 2010/07/10 19:39 (*)

    I have been focusing on alternative houses before, here some further treehouses, bringing the childhood dreams of many into reality.

    Mirror Cube

    Mirror Cube

    Hanging about 4-6m up in a tree - visually blends into the forest nicely, but from a material point of view it may me fragile depending of the used material, likely not glass. I also wonder of the windows, whether light enters the space. The entry and access isn't illustrated either, so . . .



    This approach combines the landart aspect into to the building, and does a much nicer task blending not just visually but also conceptionally better into the forest. Question is, where does the light come from (the top?), and where are the windows?

    The second image on the right shows some circular windows . . . not sure if it's sufficient since the forest is a shade place by itself, and direct and ambient light rather low.



    A more traditional and realistic approach of a treehouse: stairs to reach the building, sufficient windows to bring light into building and let the inhabitants see the forest.


    Older posts:

  • More Alternative Housing (2009/04/10 19:01) Check also other posts with other tags.

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