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Mobility Diary

    "God is not external to anyone, but is present with all things, though they are ignorant that he is so."

    204-270 AD

    Mobility Diary

    Tag <3 Wheels>

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    Microcar: Swiss-based Cree's SAM
    last edited 2009/04/14 11:55 (*)

    This 3 wheel motocycle-like micro-car has been developed in 1990's already, and was revived in 2006 again and got its own web-site finally.

    2005/12/15 14:41
    2005/12/15 14:41
    2005/12/15 14:41
    2005/12/15 14:41

    Technical Details:

    • weight: 545kg (6.8 vehicle/body ratio @ 80kg human)
    • seats: 2 (one faces front, 2nd seat faces backward)
    • energy usage: 8kWh / 100km ~ 2.5L gasoline / 100km
    • max. speed: 85 km/h or 50 MPH
    • price: Euro 8,300 / US$ 10,000


    It's a bit heavy with 545kg with only two seats, when one recalls the Loremo LS which has 550kg and 4 seats available. Yet, the SAM comes with an electric engine, and with 8kWh or equivalent apprx. 2-3L gasoline per 100km it's ok, but it could be better.

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