last edited 2009/04/11 16:00 ( *) The "Solar Taxi" made it to the mainstream news media world wide, and was praised as true innovation.
  Luis Palmer with his Solar Taxi |
As the term indicates "Solar Taxi", it is a car which is driven by solar power, but after a close look, it is revealed that just 50% of the charge is coming from the solar panel, the rest comes from the grid. So, it is a "50% Solar Taxi" in truth - yet a good start indeed.
Some details:
- 6m2 solar cells on a rooftop yield power for 15,000 km per year!
- up to 400 km range
- max. speed: 90 km/h
- vehicle weight: 500 kg (+ 250 kg for trailer) - which makes a 6.25 vehicle/body ratio
- energy efficiency: consumption of 8 kWh/100 km (equivalent of 0.8 l petrol / 100 km)