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Spirit Diary

    "You are not a human being having a spiritual experience, but a spiritual being having a human experience."

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    Spirit Diary

    My spiritual thoughts, dreams and memories, an outlet of my missionary tendencies:

    3D Printing / RepRap, Open Source & Spirituality
    last edited 2012/08/25 23:32 (*)

    In a far distant place, not measureable, there is a technology, where ideas become a form, in which the creators own spirit dives into the form . . . that technology is very advanced, part of it is what is called DNA, high redundancy to preserve the progress made - the plan is so precious that it is backed up manifold, in every cell, in many forms called species.

    In a close place, ~ 20,000km range, there is an emerging technology, where ideas become a form, in which the creators own ideas dive into . . . that technology is advanced, part of it is what is called RepRap.org , people copy and develop those plans further to provide redundancy, to preserve the progress made.

    What is worth more, something which is scarce, or something which is spread and copied to preserve its integrity and allow others to make further improvements?

    Open Source isn't just an ideology or a geek opinion, it is what life itself uses to preserve itself.

    Living in scarcity and fear to survive the next day in earlier days of our existance made us blind to see the inherent quality of sharing, of copying. We are reaching a point of human evolution to overcome scarcity, thanks to sociological and but foremost technological progress . . . we require to catch up mentally and spiritually as well, to see . . . yes, we have enough for everyone, and this means, we can share . . . openly, as life itself does.

    We are gods, who get caught up in an illusion, and now slowly crawl out of it, by immitating what we think gods do: form matter with thought . . . we can't do anything else than really hard trying to remember who we are, and what we are capable of.

    You are a god in amnesia - and if you wonder what "enthusiasm" literally means: it comes from Greek "enthousiasmos", which comes from the adjective entheos, "having the god within," formed from en, "in, within," and theos, "god."

    What's inside is called "software" for the techies . . . or "spirit" for others. The Great Spirit (aka God with big G) made the zeros and the ones, the duality. What makes the background of this text white and the letters black, so you can read the text here, the words - that contrast is information . . . which leads eventually to knowledge if sorted and compared properly. To seek knowledge is . . . to dive into duality, into contrast to experience the two or many sides, of a coin, of a cube, or a multi-faceted form or topic - in that very journey to seek the knowledge you arrived to this moment of time to read these very words on your computer screen . . . the Old Testament describes it "as eating from the tree of knowledge", or "falling or being kicked out of heaven/paradise/luxury spaceship" - or as I call it: rush-hour of the angels/gods to have some fun, and not reading the short user guide which says:

    Be aware that experience will make

    • you forget who you are
    • forget where you came from
    • forget where you (want to) go

    That's about what spirituality is all about in a nutshell for me, and this is why I use the nickname Spiritdude - Spirit (heavenly aspect), dude (earthian aspect).

    Nice meeting you.

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  • Two Sides of Human Beingness: Left & Right Brain Hemisphere (2013/09/19 20:23)
  • 3D Printing / RepRap, Open Source & Spirituality (2012/08/25 19:05)
  • Tuning In - Spirit Channelers in America (2008) (2012/07/23 16:01)
  • Shadows & Wizards (2010/12/14 13:49)
  • Multinational Corporations (MNC) and Ascended Masters (2010/11/19 12:03)
  • Obama: The Saviour, or the Projection of our own Potential (2009/03/25 10:51)

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