2024: Various Hikes / Tours
2023: Hiking Swiss Alps
2023: Various Hikes / Tours
2022: Various Hikes / Tours
2021: Various Hikes / Tours
2020: Hiking Swiss Jura Crest & Alpine Panorama Trail
2020: Hiking Swiss Alps
2020: Various Hikes / Tours
2019: Hiking 4 Days in Swiss Alps, Furka & Grimsel
2019: Hiking 5 Days Gotthard Region
2016: Tour Aare, Les Doubs & Rhein
2015: France & Italy
2014: Central Europe
2013: France & Italy
2012: Italy & France
2011: Europe: Three Tours
2010: India
2009: France: Two Tours
2008: Tour de Romandie
2008: Zug - Bern - Zug
2008: Strasbourg
2008: Europe
2007: France
2005: France & Italy
2004: USA: Denver - Sedona
2004: Lenzburg - Marseille
2004: La Gomera
2003: Sardinien
2003: La Gomera
2002: Korsika
2002: Bordeaux - Hendaye
1998: Switzerland
1997: USA
1996: USA: Colorado & Arizona

"Yes, we scan."

Barack Obama
2013/06/30, USA

english deutsch

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2008: Europe

Wed 28.5. Royan - La Rochelle - Lucon, 140km (7:10)

Departed late at 9:30, in the night it rained intensely, and also under the tree where I set up the tent. The clothes were still on the bike very wet or damp, but the sun came through and I had the clothes getting dry a bit. 5km to the Royan which I circumvent, on the D730/N150 I ride to Rochefort, this section I enjoy very much (little traffic) that has a high and long bridge, then by bike one must go in the city, in city exit again bicycle ban but one alternative: bicycle trail to La Rochelle. This trails goes on my nerves, as in Switzerland: through small villages with many right turns - slow riding. The only good, I drive to Chatellion Plage, which I like immediatly immediately. Then 3-4km to Aytre, and then La Rochelle, which I also circumvent, but finally I have to enter the city a bit, unfortunately no photos, because the camera doesn't function today. At the city exit I ride the broad road and the highway just before me I turn right "Perinay" or something like that, in the opposite direction it goes to Lucon, the road leads eventually to Villedoux which what I wanted and searched for. Finally Lucon after few hours, which I also circummvent, I'm tired and just want to find a place to sleep. Continue in the direction of La Roche sur Yon, shortly before Mareil sur Lay a small artificial planted forest, with regular planted trees, a small island - where I go in and put up the tent. Thanks!

2008/05/28 08:30
2008/05/28 12:04
2008/05/28 12:09
2008/05/28 12:09
2008/05/28 12:09
2008/05/28 12:12
2008/05/28 12:13
2008/05/28 12:13
2008/05/28 12:30
2008/05/28 13:11
2008/05/28 13:21
2008/05/28 13:21
Chattelaillon Plage
2008/05/28 14:17
Chattelaillon Plage
2008/05/28 14:18
Chattelaillon Plage
2008/05/28 14:18
Chattelaillon Plage
2008/05/28 14:19
Chattelaillon Plage
2008/05/28 14:19
Chattelaillon Plage
2008/05/28 14:28
2008/05/28 16:33
2008/05/28 18:01
2008/05/28 19:07

Thu 29.5. Lucon - Chinon, 158km (8:10)

8:30 depature, slept very well. On side streets toward Chautonay, very hilly, Pauyages further to where I shop quickly and discuss with passers-ins, also with Sophie. About 13:50 continue to Bressure, Thouars, Loudon (very nice) and finally Chinon - but before crossing the Vienne. Today not so much riding - I am late. I wanted to reach Azay, but on the bypass of Chinon I branches on a dirt road and camp close to the road. Enough for today, 20:45. Thanks!

2008/05/29 14:06
2008/05/29 14:37
2008/05/29 17:27
2008/05/29 17:27
2008/05/29 17:27
2008/05/29 18:07
2008/05/29 18:19
2008/05/29 19:14
2008/05/29 19:14
2008/05/29 19:16
2008/05/29 19:36
2008/05/29 19:38
2008/05/29 20:36
2008/05/29 20:36
2008/05/29 20:37
2008/05/29 20:37
2008/05/29 20:37

Fri 30.5. Chinon - Tours - Chateaudun, 163km (8:45)

8:30 departure, slept well, going to Chinon. In Azay le Rideau I buy and eat. Hilly it continues to Tours on bicycle trail, which is good. First, I consider bypassing Tours itself, because I'm not in the mood to pass through - but then I decide differently, ride through Tours, and I find the main road from south to north, with bicycle trail, which finally is only for pedestrian, busses and bicycles. Right at the Loire then right after Amboise, because I like to ride along the Loire, as the N10 from Tours might have much traffic, or even bicycle ban. I wash some underwear in the Loire, and talk with a friendly fisherman, after 40 minutes talk continue further to Chateau Renault, then Vendome, which I bypass, it's larger than expected. Then N10 highway-like further, more traffic from the north than the south, Friday afternoon. I feel tired, instead of Chateaudun think to stop at Cloyes sur le Loir, buy water again - then in the nearby park, and find a nice place and stay. Thanks!

2008/05/30 12:17
2008/05/30 12:19
2008/05/30 12:24
2008/05/30 12:26
2008/05/30 12:27
Tours - Amboise
2008/05/30 12:28
2008/05/30 12:29
2008/05/30 12:41
Amboise, Loire
2008/05/30 13:22
Amboise, Loire
2008/05/30 13:22
Amboise, Loire
2008/05/30 13:23
Amboise, Loire
2008/05/30 14:21
Amboise, Loire
2008/05/30 14:30
2008/05/30 16:08
Cloyes sur le Loire
2008/05/30 19:21
Cloyes sur le Loire
2008/05/30 19:21
Cloyes sur le Loire
2008/05/30 19:22
2008/05/30 20:43
2008/05/30 20:43
2008/05/30 20:44
Cloyes sur le Loire
2008/05/30 20:44
Cloyes sur le Loire
2008/05/30 20:44
Cloyes sur le Loire
2008/05/30 20:44
Cloyes sur le Loire
2008/05/30 20:45

Sat 31.5. Chateaudun (Restday)

7:30 awake, consider a day of rest on them, maybe it will rain - which it does for 2-3 hours, but then again with clouds sunny. I sleep for 3-4 hours to noon, definitly needed it. After lunch windy and sunny and use it to wash a sleeping bag and my hair again. I cook around 17:00, wild rice with salted peanuts, tasty. I cook only when I have enough time and, above all, have enough water, for example a river or lake to be able to clean dishes afterwards. Very nice place! Thanks!

Cloyes sur le Loire
2008/05/31 11:36
2008/05/31 11:36
2008/05/31 16:35
2008/05/31 17:30
2008/05/31 17:30

Sun 1.6. Chateaudun - Chartres - Paris, 115km (6:51)

8:30 departure, it shortly rained in the night, otherwise dry - still about 12km to Chateaudun, the stores seem to have closed all, an Intermarche has open to buy food, and I eat breakfast right away. Meet a "beggar" from Romania, looking for money for his family. Continue to Bonneval, and finally Chartres at 12:30, driving into the small town, visit the Cathedral of Chartres, impressive, wonderful, exciting and high energy inside - I do even a few photos, few tourists, all very devout and still -- I like it very much. Via small streets of Chartres out to Maintenon, this route is very beautiful, but dangerous because it has 5 deadly accidents in 5 years on the 17km long course. The town Maintenon is pretty, passing through it too quickly - Epenon, Rambuillot, then Cerney la Ville everything via D906, and on the N10. Shortly before Cernay it rains and I find a a place in the forest, about 15 minutes pushing the bike into a clear spot in the forest. The rain stops, drying clothes - beautiful place - has ticks, so beware. I am about 40km away from Paris, about 15-20km before Versailles. Thanks!

2008/06/01 10:19
2008/06/01 10:22
2008/06/01 12:56
2008/06/01 12:57
2008/06/01 13:01
2008/06/01 13:02
2008/06/01 13:02
2008/06/01 13:02
2008/06/01 13:05
2008/06/01 13:06
2008/06/01 13:08
2008/06/01 13:08
2008/06/01 13:08
2008/06/01 13:09
2008/06/01 13:09
2008/06/01 13:10
2008/06/01 13:40
2008/06/01 17:14
2008/06/01 17:14
2008/06/01 19:20
2008/06/01 19:21

Mon 2.6. Paris, 90km (6:11)

8:20 departure, wet moist tent still, through small hilly town Cernay la Ville, down to Chevreuse, again up and then somehow the direction of Versailles, where I promptly end up on a highway, no bicycles allows as various passing cars indicate me - but it's too late to return, so I ride 2-3km on the highway and exit as soon I can car on a highway end, but this time of 2 motorists aware that this is not allowed -- Too late to reverse impossible, then reaching Versailles and its castle, beautiful. As I like to ride further to Paris I notice a flat tired in the read, unpacking, fixing small hole caused by a piece of glass, and packing again - then to Viroflay, climbing 17% slope to Mendon, all suburbs of Paris, I see the Eiffel Tower, Issy Moulineaus and I enter Paris through the Porte de Versailles in Paris (see photo), as next finding the Seine, and soon approach the Eiffel Tower, wonderful. A lot of traffic, but never so chaotic and hectic as in Rome. 1-2 hours I stay at on the Eiffel tower, then continue to the Louvre, this city is really beautiful, this is the most beautiful city I have seen in my life. Then Avenue des Champs-Elysees down to the Arc de Triumph, impressive - and the city has really charm, I enjoy it very much. With the small town map on the map France it's easier to ride Paris. I decide to ride toward Calais, and not along the Oise to Belgium. Leaving Paris is hard like entering Paris, avoiding highways, and the signalization are sufficient just to see the next districts or suburbs of Paris: Clichy, Asniere sur Seine, St. Gratien, Eaubonne, St. Prix, etc. to Tarveny where I expect better signs - this is not the case. Only after Mery sur Oise, in Auvers sur Oise, there is the first sign to Meru. Previously, however, I meet Jean Claude, and a group of young people from magreb I talk with about one hour. Finally at 20:30 I find a place, near a small village next to a horse enclosure. Thanks!

2008/06/02 10:09
2008/06/02 10:27
2008/06/02 11:27
2008/06/02 12:29
2008/06/02 12:32
2008/06/02 12:41
2008/06/02 12:47
Eiffeltower, Paris
2008/06/02 12:56
Eiffeltower, Paris
2008/06/02 13:32
Eiffeltower, Paris
2008/06/02 13:37
2008/06/02 13:37
2008/06/02 13:59
2008/06/02 14:00
Pont Alexandre III, Paris
2008/06/02 14:04
Pont Alexandre III, Paris
2008/06/02 14:06
Pont Alexandre III, Paris
2008/06/02 14:07
Pont Alexandre III, Paris
2008/06/02 14:10
2008/06/02 14:16
2008/06/02 14:16
Champs d'Elysee, Paris
2008/06/02 14:19
Champs d'Elysee, Paris
2008/06/02 14:20
Arc de Triumphe, Paris
2008/06/02 14:37
2008/06/02 20:35
2008/06/02 21:21

Tue 3.6. Paris - St. Quentin, 160km (9:14)

6:20 departue, after studying the map I decide not go to Calais, because too many cities in the north and in Belgium I like to avoid, and in order to avoid them a lot of detours are required, so I ride through the Val d'Oise to Guise. It takes a while until I reach Chantilly, Sensil, Verbiere and then Campiegne - but before that breaking another spoke, at the rear of course. 13:00, the bike shop opens 14:00, so I go in the Mediathek to get access to the Internet and reboot my server, the web-server no longer respons with all my and friends sites I host. 14:10 in the bike shop, and he repairs the spoke in 5 minutes, very fast. Euro 9 for that, more than in Italy with Euro 5. Continue to Nayon, with a tail wind I drive over 20km/h and just before St. Quentin - TACK, is another spoke is broken - the superfast fix of Euro 9 was also not the best of bike mechanic. So I in St. Quentin first finding another bike shop, and I find one, but it's too late and all shops are closed already - and then finding a close sleeping campsite. Something outside, about 2km along the channel, I pitch the tent, still moist soil but the tent is OK, and almost dry, 20:30. My photocamera is broken, the button to make a picture doesn't function anymore, or gives overexposed photos. Nevertheless, a great day, had a lot of pleasure when driving and a short exchange with people. Thanks!

2008/06/03 07:59
2008/06/03 11:01
2008/06/03 12:19
2008/06/03 12:19
2008/06/03 18:22
2008/06/03 18:48

Wed 4.6. St. Quentin (France) - Beaumont (Belgium), 121km (6:52)

Departure 8:50, about 3km back to St. Quentin, to the bike shop, 9:10, where an elderly gentleman, the shopowner, very skeptical at first asks me how fast I need the fix - I say "tout-suite" (immediately) - he is not very enthusiastic, but then he says I should give him the rear wheel, after 15 minutes I get it back from his bike mechanic. When I'm about to pay, he says it would be OK, so free - very, very nice. So at 10:20 until all luggage back on the bike, and studying the map again. Bohain a Vermandoise, Le Cauteau Cambresis, Landrecies and Maubeuge where I want to approach Charleroi, yet bicycle ban again - so I approach rather Beaumont, where I decide to bypass Charlroi, via Namur and Dinant, then to Liege, Maastricht -- so the plan for tomorrow. In the morning I meet a German touring cyclists, slightly slower than me on, but still runs 120km per day, about 10 hours after his statement. We lose ourselves despite we actually choose the same route. Outside of Beaumont in small forest I find my campsite. Shortly before Beaumont I have to replace the gear cable. Thanks!

2008/06/04 14:14
4000km: Landrecies near St. Quentin (France)
2008/06/04 14:15
2008/06/04 14:15
Entering Belgium . . .
2008/06/04 18:23
2008/06/04 20:00

Thu 5.6. Beaumont (Belgium) - Dinant - Maastricht, 153km (9:17)

Had good sleep, 8:20 departure, in Philipville I go shopping, already 9:00, before Dinant car highway, detour again, 8% down to Dinant, a beautiful town - then 8-9% climb again - hilly it continues until shortly before Liege. The wet and cloudy weather, at noon darker than the morning at 7:00. Liege is long, bicycle trail at the quai reached, but I won't reach Vise that way. The bike paths in Netherlands begin in Liege and Herstall, however, lead to nowhere - two attempts, and finally back to the main road. In Riems is the language border of french- to dutch-speaking Belgium. When I say "Bonjour" they give no answer - quite rude - the other side of the bridge it was still french speaking. Also, french-speaking Belgians are much more closed up - the flemish Belgians seem more open, but intolerent to french speakers. In the dutch speaking part I need to remind myself now to speak either english or german. I eat some "fries" (french fries), oily, greasy, low salt, no sauce as desired - nothing really special, but people recommended it to me to try while I'm still in Belgium. Leaving the village Riems out and I am already in Netherlands, without any marks or signs. Before I notice that my rear tire loses air, so I push my bicycle for 2-3km, it's already 19:30, push it up a hill in the hope for a place and fix the tire tomorrow morning. Hardly space for my tent, it is 20:00 and I decide the wheel needs to be repaired. 20:15 patched wheel - then I speak with a dutch passers in english, he explains where the border goes along between Netherlands and Belgium - and that I'm already in Netherlands and only 2km before Maastricht. 21:30 putting up tent in front of a gate - no more desire to look for a better campsite. The route Beaumont - Dinant - Liege had not excessive traffic, until reaching Liege itself - otherwise beautiful but very hilly route. Thanks!

Dinant (Belgium)
2008/06/05 10:51
2008/06/05 10:52
2008/06/05 14:42
2008/06/05 16:46
2008/06/05 21:30

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