"God is not external to anyone, but is present with all things, though they are ignorant that he is so."Plotinus 204-270 AD
UpdatesWed, October 30, 2024: 3 Days Hike October 2024: Goms / Oberwallis
Wed, October 16, 2024: 2 Days Hike October 2024: Ilanz - Chur
Sun, September 22, 2024: 2/3 Days Hike September 2024: Napf
Mon, September 2, 2024: 4 Days Hike August 2024: Bernina & Albula
Sat, August 24, 2024: 5 Days Hike August 2024: Grisons
Mon, August 12, 2024: 5 Days Hike August 2024: Bedretto Valley
Sat, July 27, 2024: 2/3 Days Hike July 2024: Glaubenberg - Finsterwald - Wolhusen
Sat, June 29, 2024: 2/3 Days Hike June 2024: Biberbrugg - Unteraegeri - Zug
Fri, June 14, 2024: 2 Days Hike June 2024: Bisisthal - Muotathal - Schwyz
Sun, May 19, 2024: 2 Days Hike May 2024: Schmidrueti ZH - Roten - Chruezegg - Ricken SG
Sun, May 12, 2024: 3 Days Hike May 2024: Tamins - Kunkelspass - Bad Ragaz
Mon, April 29, 2024: 2 Days Hike April 2024: Leibstadt - Baden
Sun, April 14, 2024: 3 Days Hike April 2024: San Carlo (Val Bavona) - Maggia - Tegna
Mon, March 18, 2024: 2nd hike of 2024: Olivone - Biasca
Mon, March 4, 2024: First brief hike of 2024: Dintikon - Wohlen - Knonau
Some smaller hikes or riding tours:
 2024/03/02 14:56
 View into central Switzerland with mighty Rigi 2024/03/03 14:00
 2024/03/15 14:19
 ◈ Rongie, Ludiano, 2024/03/16 12:24
 Wide Maggia river 2024/04/14 12:31
 ◈ Boschetto, Cevio, 2024/04/13 11:08
 ◈ Hagenfirst, Etzwil, 2024/04/27 11:42
 ◈ Rothbergegg, Villigen, 2024/04/27 12:47
 ◈ Tamins, 2024/05/11 10:13
 Taminaschlucht / Tamina canyon ◈ Bad Ragaz, 2024/05/12 10:16
 ◈ Mosnang, 2024/05/18 12:40
 ◈ Roten Süd, Fischenthal, 2024/05/18 14:21
 ◈ Chamm, Eschenbach (SG), 2024/05/19 11:34
 ◈ Bisisthal, 2024/06/13 13:16
 2024/06/13 14:37
 ◈ Oberägeri, 2024/06/28 10:46
 ◈ Bruhsthöchi, Alosen, 2024/06/28 10:48
 ◈ Fürstein, Flühli, 2024/07/25 15:45
 ◈ Gründli, Entlebuch, 2024/07/25 18:17
 ◈ Alpe San Giacomo, Alpe Manegorio, Bedretto (Δ 2277m), 2024/08/09 15:27
 ◈ Alpe San Giacomo, Alpe Manegorio, Bedretto, 2024/08/09 15:30
 ◈ Alpe di Folcra, Villa Bedretto, Bedretto, 2024/08/11 10:25
 ◈ Scuol, 2024/08/20 16:10
 2024/08/23 15:34
 ◈ Alp Fless Dadaint, Zernez, 2024/08/23 16:35
 ◈ Zernez, 2024/08/23 17:38
 ◈ La Punt Chamues-ch, 2024/08/31 16:13
 ◈ Samedan, 2024/09/01 10:08
 ◈ Bergün Filisur, 2024/09/01 11:10
 ◈ Altengratschwendi, Trub, 2024/09/21 11:54
 ◈ Romoos, 2024/09/21 14:27
 ◈ Sagogn, 2024/10/15 13:42
 ◈ Trin, 2024/10/16 11:45
 ◈ Geschinen, 2024/10/28 11:41
 ◈ Ritena, Lax, 2024/10/29 13:41
  2 Days Hike: Dintikon - Wohlen - Knonau |
A few days with warm foehn in the north of Switzerland, and heavy rain in the south allowed me to do the first hike of the year 2024 from Dottikon along small hills toward Knonau, although I have been hiking this region countless time.
Taking the train to Dottikon, arrival 12:50, and starting to reach for the next hill and its forest - sunny and warm wind ~12C°, just doing a short leg and resting early
15:30 already in the forest between Wohlen and Bremgarten.
 ◈ Villmergen, 2024/03/02 12:51
 2024/03/02 13:05
 2024/03/02 13:18
 ◈ Anglikon, 2024/03/02 13:36
 ◈ Anglikon, 2024/03/02 13:45
 ◈ Anglikon, 2024/03/02 13:46
 ◈ Anglikon, 2024/03/02 13:46
 ◈ Anglikon, 2024/03/02 13:51
 2024/03/02 14:02
 Erdmannlistei (earthmanly stone) 2024/03/02 14:48
 Erdmannlistei (earthmanly stone) 2024/03/02 14:48
 2024/03/02 14:56
 ◈ Hermetschwil-Staffeln, 2024/03/02 15:23
 ◈ Hermetschwil-Staffeln, 2024/03/02 15:23
 ◈ Hermetschwil-Staffeln, 2024/03/02 15:26
 ◈ Hermetschwil-Staffeln, 2024/03/02 15:26
After long sleep until ~7:00 I stay in the tent, chilly temperature ~3C° and the sun slowly shining into the forest - departure 10:00 and continue today with a longer leg.
Leaving the forest at Besenbuehren with a great & beautiful sight on the swiss central alps. Above the alps the rainy clouds, pushed over from the southern part of Switzerland (Ticino) yet, the compression of the air creating the foehn, and create a region with clear cloudless area.
Around 15:30 reaching Knonau, and ending this brief hike.
 ◈ Besenbüren, 2024/03/03 11:15
 ◈ Aristau, 2024/03/03 11:42
 Bluesky pushed open by foehn, over the alps rainy clouds from the south, toward north gray clouds ◈ Aristau, 2024/03/03 12:04
 ◈ Aristau, 2024/03/03 12:05
 Along the Reuss river ◈ Unterlunnern, Obfelden, 2024/03/03 13:44
 View into central Switzerland with mighty Rigi 2024/03/03 14:00
 ◈ Maschwanden, 2024/03/03 14:01
 ◈ Knonau, 2024/03/03 16:10
That's it.
Next Page >>
Content: - Page 1: Highlights, 2 Days Hike March 2024: Dintikon - Wohlen - Knonau, Saturday 2024/03/02: Dintikon - Wohlen ...
- Page 2: 2/3 Days Hike March 2024: Olivone - Biasca, Friday 2024/03/15: Olivone - Motto, Saturday 2024/03/16: Motto - Loderio ...
- Page 3: 3 Days Hike April 2024: San Carlo (Val Bavona) - Maggia - Tegna, Friday 2024/04/12: San Carlo (Val Bavona) - Bignasco ...
- Page 4: 2 Days Hike April 2024: Leibstadt - Baden, Saturday 2024/04/27: Leibstadt - Untersiggenthal ...
- Page 5: 3 Days Hike May 2024: Tamins - Kunkelspass - Taminaschlucht - Bad Ragaz, Friday 2024/05/10: Tamins - Kunkelspass ...
- Page 6: 2 Days Hike May 2024: Schmidrueti ZH - Roten - Chruezegg - Ricken SG, Saturday 2024/05/18: Schmidrueti ZH - Roten ...
- Page 7: 2 Days Hike June 2024: Bisisthal - Muotathal - Schwyz, Thursday 2024/06/13: Bisisthal - Muotathal ...
- Page 8: 2/3 Days Hike June 2024: Biberbrugg - Unteraegeri - Zug , Thursday 2024/06/27: Biberbrugg - Gottschalkenberg ...
- Page 9: 2/3 Days Hike July 2024: Glaubenberg - Finsterwald - Wolhusen, Thursday 2024/07/25: Glaubenberg - Rickhubel - Toregg/Schimberig ...
- Page 10: 5 Days Hike August 2024: Bedretto Valley, Thursday 2024/08/08: St. Gotthard Pass - Alpe di Ruino ...
- Page 11: 5 Days Hike August 2024: Grisons, Tuesday 2024/08/20: Ofenpass / Pass dal Fuorn - S-charl ...
- Page 12: 4 Days Hike August 2024: Bernina & Albula, Friday 2024/08/30: Passo del Bernina - Bernina Suot ...
- Page 13: 2/3 Days Hike September 2024: Napf, Friday 2024/09/20: Trubschachen, Saturday 2024/09/21: Trubschachen - Napf ...
- Page 14: 2 Days Hike October 2024: Ilanz - Chur, Tuesday 2024/10/15: Ilanz - Trin, Tuesday 2024/10/16: Trin - Chur ...
- Page 15: 3 Days Hike October 2024: Goms / Oberwallis, Monday 2024/10/28: Oberwald - Biel, Tuesday 2024/10/29: Biel - Bister ...