"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."Marianne Williamson from her book "A Return To Love"
  4 Days Hike: Klausenpass - Chinzig - Muotathal |
Taking the bus from Altdorf (UR) to Klausenpass, arriving 10:45.
Some distances:
- Klausenpass - Urnerboden 1h 50m / 4h
- Klausenpass - Fisetenpass 3h 10m
- Klausenpass - Chamerstock 4h
- Klausenpass - Bisital 4h 15m
- Klausenpass - Sali 3h 35m
- Klausenpass - Unterschaechen 3h 30m / 5h 10m
- Klausenpass - Aesch 2h 35m
- Klausenpass - Spiringen 4h 10m
- Klausenpass - Urigen 3h 15m
- Klausenpass - Ruegig 5h
- Klausenpass - Eggbergen 6h 25m
Hiking along the path at the same elevation of ~1800m, with little ascend/descend with wide view down the valley and all the urner alps, around 15:00 I arrive Ober Gisleralp, where I divert to Geissgraetli instead of Chinzig Chulm, an alternative route as I hope to find a spot which isn't fully exposed to the winds, as tomorrow some rain and thunderstorms are expected.
On this slope I pitched the tent, the mountain is mostly karstic and therefore water/rain sips into the ground and no spring or small brooks are formed, quite rare in the swiss alps, alike as at the nearby Pragelpass (apprx. 15km distance), where there are also no brooks; almost looks like the same fold.
 ◈ Klausenpass, Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 10:53
 ◈ Klausenpass, Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 10:53
 ◈ Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 10:54
 ◈ Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 10:56
 ◈ Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 10:56
 ◈ Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 10:57
 ◈ Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 11:19
 ◈ Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 11:19
 2023/07/20 11:27
 2023/07/20 11:29
 2023/07/20 11:29
 2023/07/20 11:29
 ◈ Alt Stafel, Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 12:08
 ◈ Alt Stafel, Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 12:08
 ◈ Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 12:42
 ◈ Unterschächen, 2023/07/20 12:42
 2023/07/20 12:50
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 13:16
 2023/07/20 14:28
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 14:36
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:01
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:02
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:02
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:02
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:08
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:08
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:08
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:23
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 15:23
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 17:58
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 17:58
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 17:58
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/20 17:59
In the early morning already thunderstorms, and rain, and by 10:00 steady rain starts and I decide to stay at the current place.
Through the day strong winds and rain with brief moments where the sun came through, later in the evening again rain and strong winds.
 2023/07/21 11:26
 2023/07/21 11:27
 ◈ Schattdorf, 2023/07/21 11:34
 ◈ Schattdorf, 2023/07/21 11:35
 ◈ Schattdorf, 2023/07/21 11:35
Slept well, and 8:00 the sky is opening yet the clouds still hang around the tips of the mountains, but it's dry so I continue the hike.
I reach Geissgraetli (2151m), and then descend into the Chinzer valley with mighty mountain range on the left and right, today partially covered up by low hanging clouds.
 ◈ Schattdorf, 2023/07/22 08:56
 ◈ Schattdorf, 2023/07/22 08:56
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/22 09:43
 ◈ Spiringen, 2023/07/22 09:43
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 09:45
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 09:45
On the northern slope, the first 200m below the ridge are karstic rocks again, and apprx. 200m elevation lower small brookes are formed, and I can refill my bottles again.
Further until I reach Gruener Boden, a small meadow - where I decide to stay and pitch my tent, as further down the valley it gets narrow and finding a good spot be difficult - still clouds rushing over me, slightly overcast - a short hike today.
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:03
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:05
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:05
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:28
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:28
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:32
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:32
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:46
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:48
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 10:48
 2023/07/22 10:58
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 11:09
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 11:14
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 11:14
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 11:14
 2023/07/22 11:21
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 11:24
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 11:24
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 11:24
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 11:25
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 12:59
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 12:59
 2023/07/22 13:01
 2023/07/22 13:01
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 2023/07/22 14:31
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 15:35
 ◈ Bürglen (UR), 2023/07/22 15:36
Getting up 8:30 after a good sleep, and blue sky greets me, and I continue the descend (1300m) the Chinzer valley / Waengi / Huerital further - meadows and then dark forest finally reaching Muotathal at 615m at 11:00, where this brief hike ends early.
 2023/07/23 09:21
 2023/07/23 09:21
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 2023/07/23 09:34
 ◈ Muotathal, 2023/07/23 09:39
 2023/07/23 09:41
 2023/07/23 10:09
 2023/07/23 10:09
 ◈ Stalden, 2023/07/23 10:15
 ◈ Stalden, 2023/07/23 10:16
 2023/07/23 10:17
 2023/07/23 10:35
 ◈ Stalden, 2023/07/23 10:49
 ◈ Stalden, 2023/07/23 10:49
That's it.
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