2025: Various Hikes / Tours
2024: Various Hikes / Tours
2023: Hiking Swiss Alps
2023: Various Hikes / Tours
2022: Various Hikes / Tours
2021: Various Hikes / Tours
2020: Hiking Swiss Jura Crest & Alpine Panorama Trail
2020: Hiking Swiss Alps
2020: Various Hikes / Tours
2019: Hiking 4 Days in Swiss Alps, Furka & Grimsel
2019: Hiking 5 Days Gotthard Region
2016: Tour Aare, Les Doubs & Rhein
2015: France & Italy
2014: Central Europe
2013: France & Italy
2012: Italy & France
2011: Europe: Three Tours
2010: India
2009: France: Two Tours
2008: Tour de Romandie
2008: Zug - Bern - Zug
2008: Strasbourg
2008: Europe
2007: France
2005: France & Italy
2004: USA: Denver - Sedona
2004: Lenzburg - Marseille
2004: La Gomera
2003: Sardinien
2003: La Gomera
2002: Korsika
2002: Bordeaux - Hendaye
1998: Switzerland
1997: USA
1996: USA: Colorado & Arizona

"Yes, we scan."

Barack Obama
2013/06/30, USA

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2022: Various Hikes / Tours

3 Days Hike May 2022: Ruosalp - Glattalp - Boedmeren (Muotathal)

3 Days Hike: Urigen - Glattalp - Boedmeren - Muotathal

This is an interactive (zoomable) map of the hike - click on logo right upper corner to get elevation map

After 1-2 weeks high temperatures in Switzerland, over 30°C - which is quite unusual (climate change) - it seemed an opportunity to explore higher regions of the alps a bit earlier. I wanted to revisit Klausenpass (1947m) again, and try to stay between 1500 - 2000m elevation without much descending, and the planned route almost was able to stay within this range.

Thursday 2022/05/26: Urigen - Ruosalp Chulm (2177m) - Glattalp

I arrived at Urigen with Postauto (1281m) and hiking steep uphill to 1730m until Heidmanegg, and then uphill slightly toward Ruosalper Chulm (2177m), the clouds get denser, the blue sky and the sun covered up - temperature drops and winds increase.

Telldenkmal, Altdorf
2022/05/26 09:40
Urigen Busstop/Endstation
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 10:23
Hotel Posthaus Urigen
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 10:23
Official hiking trail leads over blooming meadow (unusual)
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 10:26
◈ Spiringen, 2022/05/26 10:47
◈ Spiringen, 2022/05/26 10:47
◈ Unterschächen (Δ 1649m), 2022/05/26 11:01
◈ Unterschächen (Δ 1658m), 2022/05/26 11:01
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 11:01
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 11:01
◈ Hegerwald, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 11:21
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 11:34
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 11:34
◈ Mettenen, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 11:46
◈ Mettenen, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 11:51
◈ Alt Stafel, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 12:07
◈ Alt Stafel, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 12:13
◈ Alp Aesch, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 12:25
◈ Alp Aesch, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 12:26
◈ Alp Aesch, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 12:26
◈ Alp Aesch, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 12:28
◈ Alp Aesch, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 12:28
Ruosalp Chulm (southern slope, view up)
◈ Unterschächen (Δ 2164m), 2022/05/26 13:33
Ruosalpersee (snow/frozen, view down)
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 13:42
Reaching Ruosalp Chulm (view up)
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 13:43

On the northern slope - entering the Bisithal with Muota river thereby - a wide and 200-300m long snow belt, down to ~2000m elevation, then very wet meadow until ~1800m elevation when green meadow starts - Ober Stafel and Unter Stafel and toward Vorderrist Nissegg, Laecki, where I find a place to pitch the tent.

Ruosalp Chulm (northern slope, view down)
◈ Unterschächen (Δ 2224m), 2022/05/26 13:46
Ruosalp Chulm (northern slope, view down)
◈ Unterschächen (Δ 2213m), 2022/05/26 13:46
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 13:57
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 14:26
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 14:26
◈ Unter Stafel, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 14:54
◈ Unter Stafel, Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 14:56
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 15:18
◈ Unterschächen, 2022/05/26 15:48
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/26 16:38
Milchbüelen, apprx. 500Hm below Glattalp
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/26 17:11
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/26 17:11

Friday 2022/05/27: Glattalp - Torloch - Boedmeren

8:00 awake after a good sleep, the sun comes through, still some high fog based clouds hovering around. ~9:00 I leave, steep uphill toward Glattalp where I arrive around 10:20. I choose to walk around the Pfaff mountain to reduce the change of wide snow patches, but as I arrive at Milchblaetz and Riefboeden, it's full of snow patches and it slows me down, but the scenery is absolutely stunning.

◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 09:06
Alpler Stock, Sangigrat, Geisstock
◈ Muotathal (Δ 1436m), 2022/05/27 09:06
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 09:06
◈ Vorfrutt, Spiringen, 2022/05/27 09:10
◈ Läcki, Vorfrutt, Spiringen (Δ 1512m), 2022/05/27 09:13
◈ Glattalp, Urnerboden (Δ 1724m), 2022/05/27 09:45
◈ Glattalp, Urnerboden (Δ 1721m), 2022/05/27 09:45
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 09:53
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 09:53
◈ Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:18
◈ Glattalp, Urnerboden (Δ 1923m), 2022/05/27 10:24
◈ Glattalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:25
◈ Glattalp, Urnerboden (Δ 1917m), 2022/05/27 10:25
◈ Glattalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:30
◈ Glattalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:30
◈ Glattalphütte SAC, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:31
◈ Glattalphütte SAC, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:31
◈ Glattalphütte SAC, Urnerboden (Δ 1957m), 2022/05/27 10:31
◈ Glattalphütte SAC, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:31
◈ Glattalphütte SAC, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:31
◈ Glattalphütte, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 10:52
◈ Glattalphütte, Urnerboden (Δ 2035m), 2022/05/27 10:53
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 10:59
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 10:59
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 10:59
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 10:59
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 10:59
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal (Δ 2062m), 2022/05/27 10:59
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 10:59
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 10:59
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 11:00
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 11:00
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 11:00
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal (Δ 2055m), 2022/05/27 11:00
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal (Δ 2064m), 2022/05/27 11:00
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 11:00
Bread/Cake hybrid with nuts, dried berries, carotts, ginger, cinnemon together with Brie cheese
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 11:04
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal (Δ 1965m), 2022/05/27 11:49
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 11:49
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 11:52
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 11:52
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 12:01
◈ Mälchberg, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 12:02
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 12:15
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 12:15

Close to Charetalphuettli (1860m) I hike Inneren Streipfen, and reach Robutzli, further to Geitenberg.

◈ Charetalp, Urnerboden (Δ 1894m), 2022/05/27 12:36
◈ Charetalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 12:36
◈ Charetalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 12:36
◈ Charetalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 12:41
◈ Charetalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 12:41
◈ Charetalp, Urnerboden (Δ 1921m), 2022/05/27 12:41
◈ Charetalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 12:41
◈ Charetalp, Urnerboden, 2022/05/27 12:41
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:15
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal (Δ 1823m), 2022/05/27 13:15
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:22
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:24
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:24
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:24
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:32
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:32
◈ Robutzli, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:32
◈ Geitenberg / Geissprung, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:41
◈ Geitenberg / Geissprung, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:41
◈ Geitenberg / Geissprung, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:41
◈ Geitenberg / Geissprung, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 13:57

Then descend very steep with loose stones toward Raetschental and Hintereste Huetten (1584m), where the next steep ascend comes toward Torloch (1764m), a gap between two boulders - impressive and unique pass. Eventually reach Torstoeckli and taking the right-hand path passing Spitzibueel, and Oberist Huetten.

Steep descend with gravel
◈ Geitenberg / Geissprung, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:06
Torloch, a gap between boulders
◈ Geitenberg / Geissprung, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:19
Torloch, a gap between boulders
◈ Geitenberg / Geissprung, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:19
Torloch, a gap between boulders
◈ Geitenberg / Geissprung, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:19
Torloch, a gap between boulders
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal (Δ 1623m), 2022/05/27 14:30
Torloch, a gap between boulders
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:30
Torloch, a gap between boulders
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:30
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:33
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:42
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:42
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:54
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:54
In the Torloch
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 14:57
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:00
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:00
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:00
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:05
◈ Rätschtal/Hindersten Hütten, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:05
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:12
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:12
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:12
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:12
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:16
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:16
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:20
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:23
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:23
◈ Tor, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:28
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:50
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:50
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 15:50
Drying socks, shoes and relaxing the feet
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 16:00

The weather forecast shows temperature drop and rain until noon the next day, so I decide to cut this hike one day shorter, and descend via Roggenstoeckli (1708m) and Staegen (1504m), through beautiful Urwald (loosely translated as "virgin forest" or "old-growth forest") - one of the oldest forests in Europe - and short before Gschwaendhuette (1430m) I find a dry patch where I can pitch my tent aside of the trail around 19:30. A very long day, and I feel very exhausted after nearly 9hrs hiking today.

◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 16:54
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 17:02
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 17:02
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 17:07
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 18:24
◈ Muotathal (Δ 1616m), 2022/05/27 18:42
◈ Stägen, Muotathal, 2022/05/27 18:47
◈ Muotathal (Δ 1527m), 2022/05/27 19:37
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/27 19:38

Sidenote: once I reached different stone formations - karstic formations to be precise - there are no small streams of water anymore, the water simply sinks into the ground - hardly a place to refill the water bottles; from plenty water sources in the morning, to water scarcity in the afternoon - one really needs to observe nature closely.

Saturday 2022/05/28: Boedmeren - Muotathal

Sometime after midnight rains start to dribble on the tent, and last until 9:00 - when it slowly fades. I pack the wet tent, and descend further through the "Boedmerewald" - just a beautiful forest - via Plaetsch (1413m), Mittlist Weid (1220m), Ober- and Unterfedli (1014m), and then walk on asphalt near Hoellloch (720m), and reach Muotothal village (650m), where this hike ends just around noon.

◈ Egliswald, Muotathal (Δ 1440m), 2022/05/28 10:44
◈ Egliswald, Muotathal, 2022/05/28 10:45
◈ Egliswald, Muotathal (Δ 1449m), 2022/05/28 10:45
◈ Egliswald, Muotathal (Δ 1449m), 2022/05/28 10:46
◈ Egliswald, Muotathal, 2022/05/28 10:46
◈ Egliswald, Muotathal (Δ 1429m), 2022/05/28 10:47
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/28 11:08
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/28 11:08
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/28 11:11
◈ Stalden, 2022/05/28 11:23
◈ Muotathal, 2022/05/28 11:23
◈ Stalden, 2022/05/28 11:26
View to Muotathal (village)
2022/05/28 11:27
View to Muotathal (village)
◈ Stalden, 2022/05/28 11:27
View to Muotathal (village)
◈ Stalden, 2022/05/28 11:43
◈ Stalden, 2022/05/28 11:43
◈ Stalden (Δ 989m), 2022/05/28 11:56
◈ Stalden, 2022/05/28 12:07
◈ Stalden, 2022/05/28 12:39

That's it.

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