This is an interactive (zoomable) map of the hike - click on logo right upper corner to get elevation map
Exploring the ridges from Einsiedeln to Mythen and back again down to Biberbrugg, revisiting part of a hike I did last year.
Saturday June 4, 2022: Einsiedeln - Furggelenstock - Mythen
Taking the train to Einsiedeln (880m), at the train station some signs for trips:
Einsiedeln - Schwyz 5h 35m
Einsiedeln - Haggenegg 4h 20m (the one I take)
Einsiedeln - Rothenturm 3h 20m
Einsiedeln - Mostelberg 6h 40m
Einsiedeln - Steinbach 4h
Starting the hike near the massive monastery, 10:40, quickly gaining elevation through shadow casting forest, Freiherrenberg (1110m), Chli Amselen (1399m) and Amselspitz (1491m), Butziflue (1601m) - wet path or high moor-like path until Furgellenstock (1656m).
2022/06/04 10:37
Kloster/Monastery Einsiedeln 2022/06/04 10:46
2022/06/04 10:46
2022/06/04 10:48
2022/06/04 10:48
2022/06/04 10:49
2022/06/04 10:49
2022/06/04 10:50
2022/06/04 10:54
View back to Einsiedeln ◈ Wald und Holz, Gross (Δ 1022m),2022/06/04 11:03
View unto Sihlsee 2022/06/04 11:20
2022/06/04 11:21
2022/06/04 11:22
2022/06/04 11:22
2022/06/04 11:24
2022/06/04 11:50
◈ Ufem Tritt, Trachslau,2022/06/04 12:08
◈ Trachslau,2022/06/04 12:19
◈ Trachslau,2022/06/04 12:19
◈ Trachslau,2022/06/04 12:23
◈ Trachslau,2022/06/04 12:31
◈ Trachslau,2022/06/04 12:31
View of the Grosser & Kleiner Mythen in the distance ◈ Trachslau,2022/06/04 12:35
From Furggelenstock (1656m) toward Halbegg (1584m), Müsliegg (1427m), Holzegg (1405m), and at Grosser Mythen, and I continue a bit further along Klein Mythen, and at Geissloch (1250m) a near flat patch, and firepit nearby where I pitch the tent for tonight.
This was a long day, nearly 8 hours hike with little rest during the day - near evening I didn't get more drinking water, so I had to ration a bit despite a hot day.
Sunday June 5, 2022: Mythen - Näbekenfirst - Biberbrugg
5:45 the wind gains speed, low hanging clouds rushing nearby - the tent briefly collapses, but I'm awake anyway, after 20mins the wind soothes. Quickly packing and leaving 7:00 already, quite moderate temperatures (~18C) and I reach Haggenegg (1414m), and a small well to refill my water bottels for today; regaining elevation to Grossbrechenstock (1559m) and Näbekenfirst (1565m), and then Chli Tändli and Nüsselstock, and rather step downhill, and on partially on paved road toward Ronenegg (1218m), and uphill again Ahoren (1359m) and Samstageren (1379m) -
slowly the sky covers up with dark clouds - soon heavy rain and thunderstorm expected, so instead to take a rest I keep hiking toward Hundwileren (1100m), Chatzenstrick (1000m) and soon reach Bennau (880m) and along the street toward Biberbrugg (830m) where this hike ends - just as heavy rain starts.
◈ Brüschrainhöchi, Brunni,2022/06/05 07:57
◈ Brüschrainhöchi, Brunni,2022/06/05 07:57
◈ Brüschrainhöchi, Brunni,2022/06/05 07:57
◈ Brüschrainhöchi, Brunni,2022/06/05 07:57
◈ Brüschrainhöchi, Brunni,2022/06/05 08:26
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 08:36
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 08:36
◈ Brunni,2022/06/05 08:50
◈ Brunni,2022/06/05 08:51
◈ Brunni,2022/06/05 08:51
◈ Chli Tändli, Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:21
◈ Chli Tändli, Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:21
◈ Chli Tändli, Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:21
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:27
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:27
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:27
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:27
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:31
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:32
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:32
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:32
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:32
◈ Alpthal,2022/06/05 09:32
◈ Teuffeli, Rothenthurm,2022/06/05 09:40
◈ Nüsellstock, Rothenthurm,2022/06/05 09:50
◈ Nüsellstock, Rothenthurm,2022/06/05 09:51
Narrow path through the forest ◈ Nüsellstock, Rothenthurm,2022/06/05 09:55
◈ Trachslau,2022/06/05 10:56
◈ Trachslau,2022/06/05 10:56
◈ Trachslau,2022/06/05 10:56
◈ Windwurf, Trachslau,2022/06/05 11:10
◈ Windwurf, Trachslau,2022/06/05 11:10
◈ Samstageren, Trachslau,2022/06/05 11:17
Steep wodden/earth stairs down ◈ Samstageren, Trachslau,2022/06/05 11:28
Viewing again Einsiedeln ◈ Hundwileren, Bennau,2022/06/05 11:59
◈ Bennau,2022/06/05 12:35
◈ Bennau,2022/06/05 12:36
Thunderstorm and rain approaching ◈ Bennau,2022/06/05 13:07
◈ Biberbrugg, Feusisberg,2022/06/05 13:17
About 6 hours hike, yet it feels not long but I feel exhausted nevertheless - if I were on a longer hike I would have stopped early in the afternoon and pitch the tent early and take a rest.
The disadvantage of short hikes of 2-3 days is one does not come into a natural rythm - usually body adapts at 4th day and things come into a natural flow as I experienced the past years.
So it's nice to do short hikes and explore the region nearby, on the other hand before I come into a natural rythm to hike the trip already ends.