Marianne Williamsonfrom her book "A Return To Love"
Here my little rant and praise place, where the daily experiences of my programming work are expressed. I publish them with the idea that others might find it useful and benefit from it.
% wc GeoLiteCity-Location.csv 235422 277043 12450133 GeoLiteCity-Location.csv
% time grep \"Marseille\" GeoLiteCity-Location.csv 49739,"FR","B8","Marseille","",43.3000,5.4000,, 0.045u 0.090s 0:00.13 100.0% 105+1040k 0+0io 0pf+0w
select city,long,lat from cities where city == 'New York'
% time ./geotag Marseille Marseille: Marseille, B8, FR: 43.3, 5.4 0.271u 0.062s 0:00.33 100.0% 10+2054k 0+0io 0pf+0w
Copyright 2007-2016, 2020-2025 © by René K. Müller <> Illustrations and graphics made with Inkscape, GIMP and Tgif