Computer Diary

    "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."

    Nelson Mandela
    from "Long Walk to Freedom" 1995

    Here my little rant and praise place, where the daily experiences of my programming work are expressed. I publish them with the idea that others might find it useful and benefit from it.

    Tag <Objective-C>

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    Verbosity of Programming Languages
    last edited 2009/03/24 06:37 (*)

    Question: How do I concatenate two strings together?

    Answer by Objective-C:

    NSString *string1 = @"Alpha";
    NSString *string2 = @"Omega";
    string1 = [string1 stringByAppendingString:string2];

    Answer by Perl:

    my $string1 = 'Alpha';
    my $string2 = 'Beta';
    $string1 .= $string2;
    and now I ask you, what looks easier and more intuitive? Right, it's definitly Objective-C!

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