Computer Diary

    "Yes, we scan."

    Barack Obama
    2013/06/30, USA

    Here my little rant and praise place, where the daily experiences of my programming work are expressed. I publish them with the idea that others might find it useful and benefit from it.

    Kubuntu 8.1 as guest on VirtualBox MacOSX host
    last edited 2009/02/24 12:38 (*)

    Kubuntu 8.1 as guest on MacOSX with
    I do intensive graphic work with scripting, e.g. I manipulate .svg files and call inskape on the command-line without GUI, and let it render/export a PNG from a manipulated .svg file, using perl.

    It took quite a while to

    % sudo port install inkscape

    it really took 2 hours on my MacBookPro 15" Duo Core. I thought, to install Kubuntu 8.1, with the famous unfinished KDE-4.1, on a , and mount nfs there, and share the directories where those rendering of SVG to PNG is required.

    This turned out to be a very fast solution . . . as I was able to install a "server" installation quite fast:

    % sudo apt-get install tcsh openssh-server screen wget inkscape

    is about what I need on a server without X11 . . . and installed within a 1-2 minutes.

    So, even I installed on MacOSX 10.5.6, the virtual machine with Kubuntu (or Ubuntu) seems another suitable alternative to have special apps which aren't ported (yet) to MacOSX. The X11 support under MacOSX is sufficient for me.

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  • Kubuntu 8.1 as guest on VirtualBox MacOSX host (2009/02/24 00:33)
  • VirtualBox vs VMWare Fusion on MacOSX (2009/02/24 00:19)
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  • Kubuntu 8.1: Eye-Candy & Memory Waste (2009/01/24 08:57)
  • Firefox 2.0.x / 3.0.x - Memory Waste (2009/01/22 18:34)

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    Copyright 2007-2016, 2020-2025 © by René K. Müller <>
    Illustrations and graphics made with Inkscape, GIMP and Tgif