last edited 2009/03/24 07:10 ( *) I use as main email backend, access it via IMAP and let all my domains forward email
there were I filter it into several folders (tagged). When I use the search engine,
I'm tracked, every search I do is stored and tied to my identity as a browser-cookie is set on my computer revealing me to Google mail and its search engine . . . today I made the decision
not to use the web-frontend anymore, and put and into the browser cookie blacklist,
so no cookie from|.ch is stored anymore. I access my email with Thunderbird (on FreeBSD, Linux and MacOSX) and IMAP protocoll.
I also run AdBlock Plus for Firefox 3.0 (which I currently use, but otherwise prefere Opera because of the smaller memory footprint),
so there most of the ads aren't shown and therefore no cookie neither tracking my IP is possible.